Friday, April 13, 2007

The Deadly Duo

While reading some articles in Clickz I came across one that could would have an impact on us all. "The Deadly Duo" sounds like a team of crime fighters but they are in fact viruses and spam. These are major security issues for everyone that uses a computer which applies to the majority of us. The article explains that viruses and spam are found mostly in URLs for advertising. That's scary because advertising is all over the internet and with one click you can be hit by one of these 2 malicious codes. Also, spam on the web has increased dramatically over a very short period of time.

The article says that "....spam has gone up 222 percent since November 2005:" Those numbers are remarkable and it continues to get worse. Viruses and spam are now being used by criminals to put into web applications and web browsers. This article is a prime example of why you need to be very careful about what your clicking on while on the web. To get more statistics or read about other security issues on the web you can just click on the link below.
The Deadly Duo: Spam and Viruses

1 comment:

cfusco25 said...

I agree that spam has gotten out of control over the past several years. This is mainly due to the increase in advertising. IT departments should focus more on preventing these spammers. The attackers are also aware of the fact that most companies are unprepared for an attack against instant messaging software causing them to increase this type of threat. However, the number of IM threats is minor in comparison to the number of email threats that occur.